More than 200 specialists took part in the work of the II Crimean football Forum (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The II Crimean football Forum took place in Alushta on December 5, 2018 which gathered over 200 football professionals on the single conference platform of the Riviera Sunrise Resort & SPA hotel: functionaries, coaches, football federations leaders, athletes, referees, media representatives, media and digital, as well as many other practices from football.
The opening ceremony was held at the beginning of the Forum, in it took part Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Republic of Crimea Igor Mikhailichenko, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of Republic of Crimea Vladimir Bobkov and President of the Crimean football union Iurii Vetokha.
Igor Mikhailichenko assured the participants of the Forum in a greeting on behalf of the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov, that the Government of Crimea will continue to maximum promote football development on the peninsula.
"Football is successfully developing in the Crimea despite the difficulties and a lot of the credit must go to the Crimean football union. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea will continue to provide all necessary support to our football", – with which was voiced by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Criema, Igor Mikhailichenko.
The main issues were identified at the panel session and were further discussed at the Forum with the participation of invited speakers from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main topics of the event were the problems of children`s football development, the management of sports facilities and development of modern media communications in football.
Several sections and open master classes were organized within the framework of the Forum by Maria Grishko - Managing partner of experts-practices union of sports and business of Sport Leaders, Irina Kuderova – teacher of author’s course on sports marketing in Russian International Olympic university, Nikolay Panteleev – an expert in media and communications with the public, Aleksander Shadrin – teacher of the Academy of Coaching Skills of the Russian Football Union and Aleksander Golivets - coach of the FC "Strogino", Moscow.
The Heads of children youth’s football schools and sports facilities of the peninsula, coaches, employees of the press services of the Crimean football clubs, journalists and bloggers participated in the thematic sections.
The results of the Children and Youth’s Football Year in Republic of Crimea were summed up in the second part of the Crimean football Forum-2018.
President of the Crimean football union Iurii Vetokha told about a record number of tournaments held in 2018. "The current year was quite rich at various football competitions. They were mostly children`s tournaments, more than 23 thousand children took part in tournaments", - said Vetokha.
The president of the CFU not bypassed and the difficulties that football functionaries face every day. "Of course, the high mass of participants in various tournaments opened many problems, for example, with our football infrastructure. We thoroughly discussed all these issues with the forum participants and we know what we need to work on in the near future. We have feedback with all regions of the peninsula that have their own difficulties", – said Iurii Vetokha.
The winners of the first football prize of people’s choice "Recognition" established by the Crimean football union, were announced at the end of the Forum.