The Children and Youth`s Football League championship season 2018/19 is started

New season of the Children and Youth’s Football League championship started on September 8, 2018, where take part 127 children and youth teams. This is record number of the teams during entire history of the Children and Youth’s Football League of Crimea. Boys from 25 sports schools and 22 children and youth’s clubs and sections will take part at the competition. The open championship will be on system autumn-spring. Five age categories 2002-2003 year of birth, 2004 year of birth, 2005 year of birth, 2006 year of birth, 2007 year of birth is conducted the competitions in two rounds. The young football players 2008 and 2009 year of birth divided in to groups where take part 19 and 22 teams as well the youngest participants 2010 year of birth with 25 teams, the winners of groups will determine the champions and prizewinners at final spring part.
The Head of the CFU Youth Football Committee mr. Gennadiy Sapozhnikov:
"Let me note, that special attention pays for development of children and mass football in the region at Children and Youth’ Football Year in Republic of Crimea. The number of children who play football is increasing. If there were 4.5 thousand in 2015 year then today about 8 thousand people is training football in age from 6 till 17 year old. The number of children and youth tournament increased, where take part sports schools as well rural teams. Currently, the Crimean Football Union is focused on, that at all professional teams of the peninsula should play own pupils. The Children and Youth’s Football League championship for young football players – is great game practice, an opportunity to play in original football, built not as much on technical skill and tactical training, as on the players` full dedication. I wish to all the participants of the competitions success in the upcoming sports race".