The 2018 year was proclaimed as the Children and Youth`s Football Year in the Republic of Crimea

Solemn event dedicated to World Football Day was held in the headquarters of the Crimean football union on December 8, 2017. Head of the Republic of Crimea mr. Sergey Aksenov took part in the event.
President of the Crimean football union mr. Iurii Vetocha, put forward an initiative to proclaim the 2018 year in Crimea as the Children and Youth`s Football Year.
"We want to make the next year as Children and Youth`s Football Year. We have many children who training professionally, we want to invite the schools to make a big tournament for prizes of the Head of Crimea", -suggested Iurii Vetokha.
Mr. Sergey Aksenov supported the initiative and entrusted the Ministry of Sports of Crimea to develop a set of relevant activities together with the Crimean football union.
"Let`s plan of action, what measures are needed from the government side, and we’ll join to the process", – said Sergey Aksenov.