More than 300 specialists took part in the first day of work of the Crimean football Forum-2019 (PHOTO)

The first day of the Crimean football Forum -2019 took place in Alushta on December 9.
The specialists of different football and sports area took part in the work of the forum. The topics of modern development of football area were discussed widely at one site: coach skill, sports medicine, sports marketing, media and digital management and etcetera. More than 300 people took part in the work of first day of the forum.
The speakers of the forum were famous specialists including foreign one. There were conducted several sections, including master classes format which were held by teacher of Coach skill Academy of the Russian football union Aleksandr Shadrin, Managing partner of Sport Leaders and teacher of Russian International Olympic University Maria Grishko, specialist in PR area, marketing expert, smm – specialist Nadezhda Deeva, official representative of Spanish La Liga in Russia and Belorussia Daniel Cerejido, member of journalists union of DNR, responsible site issuer of Ruslan Marmazov, lecturer of the department "Theory and methods of football" of Russian State University of physical education, sport, youth and tourism Aleksandr Nesmelov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, docent, professor of the department of the physical therapy and sports medicine of the Medical Academy n.a. S.I. Georgievsky Iurii Bobrik.
Aleksandr Shadrin and Aleksandr Nesmelov painted in the details on section of coach skill about distinction of preparation of youth football players in way of modern demands of game development, and Daniel Cerejido presented the program of children and youth football development in Spain.
Master class on media and digital management issue of Maria Grishko and Nadezhda Deeva aroused a keen interest. Speakers expanded on a topic of online advancement of sports-brand in social media, shared the secrets of effective work in Instagram, Facebook an Vk.
Ruslan Marmazov told about organization of football club press service work on example of FC "Shakhtar" (Donetsk). The interviewing principles of football players, coaches and sports functionaries were aside discussed.
Iurii Bobrik told about the methods of bringing a football player to the peak of his physical condition and other issues of medical topic on the lecture of sports medicine.
The workshop on issues of sports stats report was held within the framework of first day of the forum, it was conducted by the specialists of Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Sport of the Republic of the Crimea.
The names of the laureates of public choice football award "Vocation" were announced after the finish of lectures and master classes.
The work of the Crimean football forum -2019 will be continued by praxis training on coach skill tomorrow on December 10. The open training on modeling of training process in accordance to modern demand of play activity will be conducted by Aleksandr Shadrin and Aleksandr Nesmelov on base of Federal State Budgetary Institution "Training center for sports training of national teams of Russia "Crimean".
Furthermore, the round table on issue of football development in Crimea as well master classes on media communication will be held on December 10.