Congratulation of the CFU President on the International Day of Sports Journalist

Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Crimean football union, and personally, I would like to congratulate you on International Day of Sports Journalist!
Sport is the strength, which can gather the people in all times. Sport is strength, which presents to us the most colorful emotions. And the role of journalist is huge, he brings the most operational information on sports competitions to all fans and enthusiasts of sport. Your reportages and comments allow to feel they own complicity to conducting events and to know those that creates the sports glory of our country, our Crimea!
I want to say special thanks at this day to master of Crimean sports journalism – mr. Garrinald Nemirovskiy. Dear mr. Garrinald Nemirovskiy! Your sports reportages are standards of workmanship of sports journalist. Your articles entered to the golden fond of Crimean journalism. Crimean generation knows and remembers your lambent reportages from football fields. Whole generation of Crimean sports journalist want to de similar to you!
Dear friends!
I wish to you from the bottom of my hard as large as possible the interesting reportages! Let your plots, programs and articles collect thousands of viewings, and printed media spreads in thousands of circulations.
I wish valid health, impartiality and objectivity, professional success, put all your big idea into life!
Thank you for cooperation and throwing light on Crimean football union activity!