The CFU president mr Iurii Vetokha took part at the Crimean sports forum "SKIF" (PHOTO)

The Crimean sports forum "SKIF" started on June 7, 2018 in Alushta where took part the president of the Crimean football union mr Iurii Vetokha. Iurii Vetokha told about design process and building of sports complex "Arena-Crimea" in Yevpatoriya and development of professional and children football during panel discussion "Effective management of sport facilities, principle of design and commercialization of sports facilities".
The CFU president noted that appeared new possibilities for different football competitions organization as well children and youth competitions, as well sport development not just at region but at federal level after the Crimean bridge opened.
The general director of All-russian physical culture and sports Non-Governmental Organization "Russian Association of Sports Structures" mr Viktor Miakonkov, deputy of executive director SC "Olimpic" (Mascow) mr Oleg Rudoi, expert on commercialization of sports facilities, manager partner of Sport Leaders ms Irina Kuderova also took part at this forum section. Moderator of discussion was ms Mariya Grishko the teacher of the Russian International Olympic University.