Congratulation of the CFU president on the occasion of the Crimean football union second anniversary

Dear colleagues! Dear supporters! Dear friends!
Today is turning two years since the Crimean Football Union (with a special status) foundation.
With all my heart, I am deeply indebted to those who supported and continue supporting our organization in moments of hardships. To all those who share with us moments of gladness and victories! All those, without whom can`t imagine our organization not even two years ago, not now.
Two years – a short period, but now one can already say that the Crimean football union follows the chosen strategy. Our main task was and remains – the task of developing and popularizing football in the Crimea. We will pay permanently attention to enhancement of the football role in the sports life of the peninsula as before.
Our faithful supporters and football-fancier! We count on your support, because only together we can overcome new heights and move forward.
I express special gratitude to the CFU employees. Today I sincerely want to say thank you to each of you! Thank you for your support, for your daily work. Thank you that the Crimean football union at the very your heart!
I wish new implementations, prosperity and good luck! I believe in our success!
Yours respectfully,
of the Crimean Football Union
(with special status)
Iurii Vetokha