"School of young referee-2020" started to work in Simferopol city (PHOTO)

The first lesson on football referees training courses "School of young referee-2020" was held on January 14, 2020 in the headquarters of the Crimean football union.
Lessons are conducted by specialists of the Crimean football union led by head of the CFU Referees’ Committee Iurii Vaks.
The course of referees training will last four months, and the program includes theoretical lectures, as well as practical training.
There were 15 people, who wanted to be football referees in the future, on the first training lesson, which was mostly of an introductory nature. The lesson was also attended by current football referees.
In case of training course completion and successful passing of the final examination (theoretical and practical), the students will have an opportunity to conduct the matches of the Children and youth`s football League of the Crimea, amateur championship of peninsular, as well as to get to the referees list, who are conducting the matches under the aegis of the Crimean football union.
Let us recall, that the lessons at "School of young referee-2020" held weekly in the evening time in the headquarters of the CFU (Dybenko st 1, Simferopol).
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