Decisions taken by the Disciplinary Committee at the meeting on May 4, 2017 (Record No. 20)

Were presenting:
1. Shevchenko A. – Head of the Disciplinary Committee
2. Svetushenko T. – Member of the Disciplinary Committee
3. Gapon S. – Member of the Disciplinary Committee
4. Sugak V. – Member of the Disciplinary Committee
5. Posazhennikov Iu. – Member of the Disciplinary Committee
I. "Disciplinary measures in respect of FC "Rubin Yalta", Yalta city"
II. "Disciplinary measures in respect of FC "Ocean", Kerch city"
I. Rapporteur Shevchenko A.
Seven players of FC "Rubin Yalta" received cautions at the match of the XXI tour of the CFU PL Championship on April 22, 2017 FC "Rubin Yalta", Yalta city – FC "Kafa", Feodosiya city.
After the final whistle, a fan of FC "Rubin Yalta" ran out to the football field, who in offensive form using abusive language, expressed his claim to the referees, at the match of the XXII tour of the CFU PL Championship on April 29, 2017 FC "Rubin Yalta", Yalta – FC " CFU-Bakhchysaray ", Bakhchysaray. In addition, a fan of the FC "Rubin Yalta" entered to the referee room after the match and in offensive form expressed his dissatisfaction with the referees’ actions during the game, and also make threats against them.
1. to fine FC "Rubin Yalta" on 7500 (seven thousand five hundred) rubles for the team improper conduct, in second time in the CFU PL Championship of 2016-2017 season, for the cautions of seven players of the club at one match, according to Art. 98 of the CFU Disciplinary Regulations and clause 20 of Annex 1 to the CFU Disciplinary Regulations.
2. to fine FC "Rubin Yalta" on 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles for the outsiders’ appearance on the football field – the fan of the club and insulting the match referees, for the CFU Championship Regulations offence, for access of the club`s fan to referee room, obscenely offensive of the match referees and making threats against them, according to Art. 89 clause 1, Art. 105 clause 1 of the CFU Disciplinary Regulations, clause 5 and clause 29 of Annex 1 to the CFU Disciplinary Regulations.
3. Payment of fines should be made within thirty days from the date of decision publication on the CFSU website.
II. Rapporteur Shevchenko A.
FC "Ocean" as a club-owner of the field did not provide a working information board on the stadium at the match of the XXI tour of the CFU Championship on April 23, 2017 FC "Ocean" Kerch city – FC "TSC-Tavriya" Simferopol city, that breach of Art. 12 clause 12.3.2 of the CFU Championship Regulations.
1. to fine FC "Ocean" on 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles for the CFU Championship Regulations offence, for not providing home stadium field with working information board during the match, for the third time at the CFU PL Championship season 2016-2017 according to Art. 105 clause 1 of the CFU Disciplinary Regulations and clause 29 of Annex 1 to the CFU Disciplinary Regulations.
Payment of fines should be made within thirty days from the date of decision publication on the CFSU website
(Published in reduction)