Disciplinary Committee is a permanent collegial Crimean football union (with special status) body, which govern all juridical and disputable disciplinary issues of football entity activity at the Crimean Republic and Sevastopol city territory. Disciplinary Committee take guidance from the Crimean football union (with special status) Charter, CFU disciplinary regulations, CFU Prime- League Championship Regulation, and others CFU regulations documents, including regulations about Disciplinary Committee, FIFA and UEFA regulations and sport legislation of the Russian Federation.

Disciplinary Committee and its Regulations determinates obligatorily rules for implementation, breaking of which entails sports sanctions application. Committee determinate type of sports sanctions; general principles and order of making football entity accountable; Committee activity during offences consideration; procedure of appeal of the Disciplinary Committee decisions.

Disciplinary Committee decisions are obligatory for implementation by all football entity (CFU, Football Federation, Clubs` officials, Matches` officials and others football entity) at the Crimean Republic and Sevastopol city territory.

Disciplinary Committee is independent to make decisions and report directly to the CFU Presidium.

Head of the Committee

Valeriy Avdysh


Composition of the CFU Disciplinary committee

Valeriy Avdysh

Chairman of the CFU Disciplinary Committee



Viktor Orlov

Member of the CFU Disciplinary Committee



Viktor Sugak

Member of the CFU Disciplinary Committee



Aleksei Shilin

Member of the CFU Disciplinary Committee